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Tag Archives: demographics

Understanding culture

Part of my goings-on about the user experience include knowing your audience and understanding what makes them tick. A huge part of the behavioral information that you can glean about a particular audience segment is culture. I came across an article on Business Insider that represents visually how cultures around the world negotiate.

Why should you care? Because how people handle conflict is direct representation of their values. You cannot reach an audience unless you understand, appreciate and share their values. There’s a shameless plug for the book in the article. I got it, and it is fascinating. A quick review to follow.

We’re gonna need a bigger boat

So I’m spelunking around the web as I like to do on a quiet Saturday evening after burping up code all day… I revisited the HUGE website. These guys rock as far as creative is concerned and I feel connected to them in that we chose the same color to represent our brand. It takesMore

a UX anatomy of evil

Here is an example of great user-centric design. I saw this commercial for Money Mutual, a non-bank lending institution (they make Wall Street look like choirboys) with a very official-sounding name and an oddly familiar logo. Here is a screen shot from their website: Yes, that’s Montel Williams. I’ll save him for another post. RightMore