What we've been up to.

Here’s what we’ve been up to! Check back
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Project Launches
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January 2012

M19 MEDIA launches the site for Transcription Associates, Inc., a Delaware-based medical, legal and corporate transcription firm. View site

M19 MEDIA designs and launches a website redesign for Broad Reach Communications with development partners i720Media, based in Wilmington, DE. View site

M19 MEDIA designs and launches PoliticsPA2012, a political blog focusing on Pennsylvania politics in the upcoming election. View site

August 2011

M19 MEDIA launches the site for Caleb H. Smith an adventure author Based in Pennsylvania. The site is the anchor for his brand and has become the focal point of very sucessful social media marketing efforts. View site

M19 MEDIA launches the site for Conjure Consulting. led by Jim Israel, this Philadelphia-based company provides business support for the hospitality industry. This site is part of a larger coporate identity project that included print, digital and branded QR (Quick Response) Code design. View site

June 2011

M19 MEDIA launches the Celebrations on Market website, mirroring the Bliss Catering and Events website. This site was constructed for the facility that Bliss Catering and Events manages. View site

April 2011

M19 MEDIA launches its blog. It is designed to be a resource for our clients by compiling what we think is the best resources about marketing in one location and putting our own stamp on the information and distilling it into easily digestible, actionable items. We hope that our clients, present and future, find it to be a valuable resource. Contact us if you’d like to see a particular subject covered.

February 2011

Bliss Catering and Events website launched. View site

Bliss Catering and Events event promotion microsite launched. View site

Press Mentions

April 16, 2010
Writers at the Beach: A Great Conference, a Grand Time, a Good Cause
The Written Remains (blog)

I have great admiration for conference founder and executive director Maribeth Fischer and the members of the Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild. She and they are the volunteers that make sure every aspect of the Conference runs smoothly and seamlessly. In fact, everything to do with Writers at the Beach is donated from the elegant, minimalist website designed by Franklin Parrish of M19 Media in Wilmington, Delaware  to the homemade breakfast buffet that appeared every morning in the hospitality suite. If you have ever been a part of running any kind of conference — I have – you will know this to be true, and if you have never been involved in running a conference, I will tell you: Planning, preparing for and presenting a three-day conference is a Herculean task and Maribeth and the Rehoboth Guild make it look easy…

…I was very pleased with the workshops and discussions I attended, in particular, “Creating Dramatic Scenes that Work” with Khris Baxter; “Writing Dialogue That Matters” with Robert Bausch;  “Glancing At Our Watches: Why Literary Readings are Often Boring” with poet, Anne Colwell and actor/professor, James Keegan; “The Story of You: Websites for Writers” with Franklin Parrish of M19 Media and “Raising Voice: From Whisper to Howl” with Dustin Beall Smith .

Full Article

January 4, 2010
Registration opens for Writers at the Beach Conference

The Cape Gazette

The Rehoboth Beach Writers’ Guild is once again gearing up for its annual three-day writers’ conference, set for March 26-28, at the Atlantic Sands Hotel in Rehoboth Beach. Writers at the Beach: Pure Sea Glass Conference has launched its new web site developed by M19 Media, a Wilmington-based marketing, design and strategy firm.

The site is built around the orange sea glass image donated by Annapolis-based artist Celia Pearson, photographer of the award-winning book, “Pure Sea Glass.” Full Article

More deep thoughts.

image vs. icon pt.2

Starting up a new Facebook campaign for an author client of mine. Going to go for round two of the image vs. icon theory that I have developed for Facebook ads. If you missed my first posting, I hypothesized that icons may do better in attracting attention and boosting CTRs than a traditional image duemore

fan me

At the beginning of the month, I decided to add to the M19 MEDIA fan base with a Facebook ad and get some valuable multi-variate testing in. Of course, this isn’t my first time at the Facebook rodeo (see I Couldn’t Have Done it Without You), but I wanted to test a theory as well:more

Get your foot in the door: creating compelling email subject lines

Coming up for air from a busy stretch and thought that I would cover a marketing channel that benefits small businesses: email marketing. Unless you have been under a Martian rock for the past 20 years, you have received quite a bit of email in your inbox. Have you thought about what gets you tomore