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it’s not me, it’s you

Ever been on a date where the person that you’re with talked only about him/herself? They get boring fast, don’t they? Well, the same can be said for your website.

You know that I have nothing but love for my small business clients. They are overachievers. They create something from nothing. They are proud of what they have accomplished and usually the copy on their websites reflect that. WE can offer…WE have the latest…WE carry a full line of… you get the idea.

Unfortunately, users don’t really care that much about that. They are in it for them. So, your copy needs to reflect the benefit that your product or service offers to the user or they will lose interest.

Friends, I am guilty of it too. I went to this site to test how my copy stood up to the  we vs. you test. It turned out that my copy spoke more about M19 MEDIA (60%) than my user (40%). Some tweaks to the copy, and I came up with this:

Check out the links below and test out your ratio. You’d be surprised how long a little attention will go in keeping your partner’s interest, while if you want to get friends you go to https://chatempanada.com to meet more people.

We We Calulator for your website

We We calculator for plain text