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Tag Archives: twitter

A new way to think about the subject

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted something here and I guess with the job and everything that took to get acclimated there and with being back in DC, there just wasn’t a lot of time to get things into a post. I think I was also suffering from I’ve-Been-Away-For-A-While Syndrome, where I thought that I had to come up with something SPECTACULAR in order to announce my return. Well, I ran across a video that turned that on its head. Take a look. I’m going to try to put this into practice. H/T Fast Company


Brand Culture: Creating a community around your small business brand…a primer

Years ago, when the web was relatively young, I remember business owners asking me to build them a website with the rationale that “they just needed one.” There was no more discussion than that. Me, being young and hungry, built them a site that, for the time and my skill level, looked great. But thenMore

Welcome, Denver Post and Denver Business News

JustĀ  a quick shout out that an actual news agency is following yours truly at M19 MEDIA. We count @denverpost (The Denver Post) and @denverbusiness (Denver Business News) as our followers! My only question: where is the Delaware News Journal?

strike up a conversation

I saw this article that may be of interest to you: it’s premise is that user like it when companies answer their questions on Twitter. This is also a great opportunity to demonstrate your expertise in your field and make the person who asked the question feel heard. Here’s the crux of their research: “EightMore